15 Trauma Healing Quotes For Sexual Trauma Survivors

trauma healing quotes notebook

Table of Contents

These are a compilation of trauma healing quotes and affirmations from Chamomile Yoga’s blog posts, social media, and trauma-informed yoga classes. I welcome you to use these however you like.

Who Are These Quotes For?

These are for anyone, but I specifically teach trauma-informed yoga based on themes related to sexual trauma. The more you are in touch with your body, the more powerful you feel. This is my ultimate goal for teaching. You deserve to feel at home and at peace within your body.

I link to the source of each quote, some coming from the Cozy Corner, a 100% free trauma-informed yoga library. These classes focus on tension release, self-love, embodiment, and feeling safe in your body after sexual trauma. I welcome you to join and connect with me in the community.

How To Use These Quotes

These quotes and affirmations can be used any way you choose. Here are a few ideas:

  • During yoga practice, meditations, etc.
  • As motivation and inspiration
  • Each quote photo is able to be saved as a Pinterest pin. I welcome you to save your favorites!
  • Feel free to adjust these to fit you and your preferences

15 Trauma Healing Quotes

Quotes From The Blog

The blog is where I share information for you to create your best trauma-informed yoga practice, self-care tips, and cultivate an abundant healing mindset. I welcome you to explore each blog post that speaks to you.

“There is no wrong way to feel right in your body.” Blog Post – Breathwork To Release Trauma: 3 Healing Trauma-Informed Practices You Can Do Anywhere

trauma healing quotes embodiment

“Giving yourself the gift of self-care sends a powerful message: you matter.“ Blog Post – 25 Nighttime Self-Care Ideas For Yogis On Healing Journeys

trauma healing quote: you matter

“You are always worthy of rest. You don’t need to earn it.” Blog Post – Self-Care Yoga For Seasonal Depression—9 Uplifting Yoga Tips For Trauma Survivors Entering Colder Months.

trauma healing quote: worthy of rest

“Your body is not a separate entity used to hurt you, but a resilient, intelligent, beautiful part of you.” Blog Post – Trauma-Informed Yoga: Exactly How These 6 Pillars Support Sexual Trauma Survivors.

trauma healing quotes: beautiful part of you

“Celebrate your victories (no matter how small).” Blog Post – 10 Secrets For Your Best Trauma-Informed Yoga Practice.

trauma healing quote: celebrate victories

“There are no wrong answers in your journaling practice.” Blog Post – 15  Transformational Journal Prompts To Release Rage: Yoga For Anger After Trauma

trauma healing quotes: journaling

“Showing up on your yoga mat is always a victory.” Blog Post – Yoga Techniques For Trauma Release: 6 Ways To Bring Relaxation To Your Entire Body

quote: victories

“The difference between a yoga class that goes through the motions and one that delivers transformational mind-body connection is embodiment.” Blog Post – 3 Trauma-Informed Tips For Your Most Embodied Yoga Practice Yet

embodiment quote

“You may surprise yourself at how embodying affirmations create small, subtle changes that make massive waves.” Blog Post – 49 Chakra Affirmations For Trauma Healing: Balance, Align and Reconnect

quotes and affirmations

Quotes From Instagram

These are a string of quotes straight from @Chamomile_Yoga_Studio’s Instagram.

“Self Compassion will always get you further in your yoga practice compared to ‘pushing through.’” – Instagram Carousel

self compassion quote

“You are the expert of you, and you are your ultimate healing advocate.” Instagram Reel

ultimate healing advocate quote

“You get to decide what forgiveness means to you.” Instagram Post

self forgiveness quote

“Your yoga practice doesn’t need perfection, fancy clothes, or graceful movements. It just needs you.” Instagram Reel

yoga practice quotes

Quotes From The Cozy Corner – Free Trauma-Informed Yoga Library

This free library includes trauma-informed yoga classes, meditations, and somatic practices to start or deepen your healing. These quotes come straight from this resource.

“Just like how we shake when we hold planks, it’s okay for your voice to shake when setting boundaries.” Class: Yoga For Boundaries (30 min.)

boundaries quote

“When you feel safe, you can work in other areas like trust, intuition, releasing tension and emotions. It all begins once you arrive in a state of safety.” Class: Self Care Yoga – Safe & Grounded (15 min).

safety after trauma quote


Holistic healing is a powerful addition to a well-rounded care plan for healing trauma. I welcome you to find inspiration where you can to keep you coming back to your yoga practice and choosing self love over judgment.

It’s not an easy journey, but these trauma healing quotes are a supportive reminder that you’re worthy of self-care, you are powerful, and you deserve to heal.

Take care.

trauma healing quotes that empower pin
transformative trauma healing quotes pin journal

free offerings:

Cozy Corner: Trauma-Informed Yoga Library For Sexual Trauma Healing

  • Release trauma, tension, stress, and emotions
  • Explore somatic practices
  • Deepen embodiment and intuition

Healing Light Meditation Transcript: Tension & Emotional Release

  • Trauma-Informed body scan for releasing tension and negative beliefs
  • Option to listen to guided audio
  • Suitable for all levels

I invite you to sign up below for instant access.

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trauma informed yoga for sexual trauma laura hynes

welcome, I’m Laura

Certified trauma-informed yoga teacher, survivor, and author for Chamomile Yoga, a soft online space for sexual trauma survivors to release their armor, be with their bodies and breath, and embrace their vulnerability with love. I welcome you to join this space if you wish to heal through yoga that offers compassion and insight into honoring the unique journey of healing sexual trauma. I welcome you to explore free trauma-informed classes here