Welcome, I'm Laura

certified trauma-informed yoga teacher, survivor, and lover of all things nourishing and natural. I support gentle, brave women who survived sexual trauma and are ready to unravel their armor to reveal their beautiful, sensitive self.

trauma informed yoga teacher laura hynes

My Story

My sexual trauma healing journey is like so many others: constantly evolving.

It began when I was still a teenager in the military, experiencing several sexual traumas over the course of two years. Some I acknowledged right away. Others surfaced unexpectedly over a decade later when I left the military and created this studio.

The most painful part of my journey was this overall feeling that I was alone. I already felt out of place as a sensitive woman in a very masculine, creatively void environment. When my assaults happened, it furthered this deep-rooted belief: something was very wrong with me, and I don’t belong.

I armored up, literally imagined pushing my delicate feelings away to survive the beginning stages of my healing journey. It allowed me to fake confidence, shame my femininity and force my more masculine qualities, and roam the world a “healed” person.

chamomile yoga trauma informed yoga

This all came at a massive price.

I couldn’t let anyone in. I blamed my sensitivity for the reason I was manipulated and coerced. It was because I was too kind, open, felt too deeply. The result was to run anytime I felt trust or love. Any emotion that felt too much, or too feminine and vulnerable, terrified me. This furthered my belief that there’s a deep-rooted flaw within me.

It wasn’t until I confronted my traumas, using holistic and traditional methods, that I found a deep sense of connection, grace, and love within myself. I knew the price of facing my traumas, but I learned the rewards, too.

I’ve felt happiness on deeper levels, love with my partner that is warm and healthy, and a deep acceptance that yes, I am a sensitive survivor. That doesn’t make my traumas my fault. It just makes me feel more deeply, wholeheartedly, and more creatively.

trauma informed yoga teacher laura hynes

Who I serve

Learning how to use my creativity and sense of feeling to heal is something I strive to pass on to others who feel this deep sense of disconnection after sexual trauma. Because our greatest fear is also our greatest super power.

The sensitive survivor has traits others dream of, like:

❖ An understanding of our bodies that reaches profound levels

❖ Once harnessed, our natural empathy extends to ourselves

❖ Creative souls reach higher levels of meditation more easily

❖ We’re natural healers and become a safe space for others just by our nature

❖ Sensitives have naturally strong intuition. When it’s learned to be trusted again, life feels more in line with their true purpose.

❖ Sensitive souls thrive in creative environments, meaning they find joy in healing avenues that include movement, art, and music.

In the natural process of healing, you’ll learn your past isn’t a tainted mark to hide from yourself. You give permission to be more forgiving and accepting of your story, all parts if it.

And in a natural, unforced way, when we show up and love ourselves, we feel more in line with our true callings.

I’ve seen this in the women who have reached out to me, expressing relief that something like this studio exists. In a world that wants to give you a quick fix, a five-step system to “correct” your feelings and symptoms, this space provides you with the time to release your armor, release the need to be strong for everyone, and explore your inner landscape in an environment your sensitive nature thrives in.

If you feel you’re a natural sensitive survivor who has been given the hidden message, you’re too you, I welcome you to join me in this space.

When sensitives rediscover themselves, accept their under appreciated gifts, and follow their hearts, life stops being a place to chameleon yourself into, and becomes a wildly beautiful expression of your true self. 

I’d love to practice with you!

I invite you to get started with these options:

Explore all my current offerings here.

Read the blog here.

Contact me for questions or to chat here.


200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Certified Trauma-Informed Yoga Instructor