15 Easy Rainy Day Self-Care Ideas For Inner Peace

rainy day self-care ideas

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There’s nothing like a rainy day to have a cozy afternoon for yourself, unless you’re at a loss of what to do (and you’re tired of movie marathons.) These are the perfect days to slow down, cultivate self-love, and give yourself much needed rest. I welcome you to join me for these fifteen easy rainy day self-care ideas.

15 Rainy Day Self-Care Ideas

1. Clean And Freshen Your Space

I don’t know about you, but there’s something so relaxing about a clean, fresh smelling space. Your environmental health is part of self-care, and what better time to tackle some chores than when you’re home? You could play relaxing music or open a window to allow the sounds of nature to ground you.

2. Take A Nap

I always recommend you rest whenever you need, but there’s something extra soothing about letting the rain fall as you slip into dreamland. You’ll wake up refreshed and like a whole new person.

3. Call Friends Or Family

You can still have a sense of community in your home even if you’re alone by reaching out. Maybe life has been rushing a bit too fast and you haven’t had time to catch up with your loved ones in a while. This is a great opportunity to reconnect and bond with your inner circle.

4. Finally Brew The Tea In Your Cupboard

You may have been inspired six months ago to buy a bunch of tea, only to try it once and store it in your cabinets. I welcome you to take a moment with your favorite tea of choice and sit by a window, watch your favorite show, take a bath, or simply relax (just make sure your tea isn’t expired.)

5. Read The Book You’ve Been Waiting For The Perfect Time To Finish

If you’ve passed by your half read book, waiting for the perfect time to finally read it, this is your sign. I invite you to grab a few blankets, make yourself as comfy as you like, and dive in.

6. Simply Enjoy The Rain

I welcome you to sit near an open window or on a covered patio and ground into the sounds of nature. Many people love the fresh rain smell (fun fact: this smell is called petrichor, and comes from a compound called geosmin). If you love this smell, I recommend you sit outside and note your five senses as you mindfully take in the storm.

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7. Pamper Yourself

Have a bunch of hair masks, body scrubs, or nail polish sitting around? There’s no time like a rainy day to use what you already have to give yourself a mini-glow up before the sun returns.

8. Bake Or Cook Something New

Working and producing something with your hands can lift your mood. You’ll also learn or deepen your skills, and get to eat your brand new cookies, soup, or casserole afterwards. You could even box the leftovers for the future so you send your future self some delicious food.

9. Try Something You Loved To Do During Childhood

As we grow older, we lose touch with simply playing for the fun of it. Everything becomes serious, like we either need to do something productive or recover from our exhaustion. But what if you had fun? Even research shows how this can be beneficial. For example, this exploratory study found play increased wellbeing in adults.

Maybe you like to dance, draw, make a fort, or have a movie playing in the background that brings back good memories. It’s a great way to remember that life isn’t always about constant improvement, efficiency, or productivity.

10. Plan Something Nice For Yourself In The Future

Do you want to try that massage place, but never had the time to call? Or finally walk through the neighborhood park? I invite you to make time in your schedule to for the things you’ve been daydreaming about. It doesn’t need to be a huge, all out vacation, but something you’ve been craving lately is perfect.

11. Journal

When is the last time you journaled? This systemic review found that journaling improved anxiety, PTSD and depression symptoms. Journaling is a self-care activity that tends toward your emotional health, and can relieve pent-up emotions or stress. I know if my thoughts are racing, journaling provides space to get it all out on paper to clear my head and make me feel lighter.

12. Do Some Light Yoga  

As a yoga teacher, this is of course my go-to. I welcome you to include light yoga to gently release tension, come home to your body, and give yourself a simple moment of tranquility. I teach trauma-informed yoga, which focuses on treating yourself with kindness, exploring embodiment, and learning somatic tools. I invite you to learn more about this style of teaching which is a perfect addition to your self-care routine.

13. Create A Homemade Gift For Someone

There’s something so much more special about receiving a gift someone took the time to craft themselves. Even if a birthday or holiday is months away, a rainy day is the perfect time to get started. Giving is receiving after all, and perfect for your rainy day self-care routine.

14. Reorganize Your Space

Sometimes, our spaces feel bland. Redecorating adds spice to your house or room, and lets you get your creative juices flowing. You may even find things you thought you lost, or end up on the floor going through old pictures and papers that bring you joy.

15. Gather Items To Donate

This provides multiple benefits. You clear your space of clutter and provide items for others. Usually, we throw items away to clear space, but many items you find useless are helpful to others in need. It’s a perfect way to benefit yourself and others.


I welcome you to use these rainy day self-care ideas to inspire your own or take them straight from the list. Self-care is much more diverse than baths, and I hope this provided insight into the possibilities of how much you can actually do from the comfort of your own home. Thanks for reading, and take care.

self care for inner peace
15 rainy day self care ideas

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welcome, I’m Laura

Certified trauma-informed yoga teacher, survivor, and author for Chamomile Yoga. This is a soft online space for sexual trauma survivors to release their armor, be with their bodies and breath, and embrace their vulnerability with love. I welcome you to join this space if you wish to heal through yoga that offers compassion and insight into honoring the unique journey of healing sexual trauma. I invite you to begin your journey here

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